Friday, November 20, 2009

Liberal madness

A group of chemically imbalanced lawmakers in Utah have discovered the word "liberal" in the Utah State Constitution. Many rules and statutes state that the rules should be "liberally construed." Sen. Howard Stephenson and Rep. Curt Oda will be wasting taxpayer dollars to discuss the removal of all instances of the word liberal from the document.

Liberalism, from the latin word liberalis, meaning of freedom. Historically, liberalism has meant the opposite of communism, supportive of capitalism and free-market. The founding fathers of America stated they wanted a nation based on liberal principles. Even the supposed overlord of the modern republican party, Ronald Reagan was called a pioneer of economic liberalism.

The word liberal is pretty simple. It means given freely or abundantly. Who doesn't like a lot of something? Really? The United States is in love with the concept of liberal. Dining out? Portions here are quite liberal. A serving of ice-cream is only 6 oz, but order it anywhere and they're sure to give you a liberal serving. We aren't happy with 24" televisions, we want a liberal amount of screen space. Homes in most U.S. cities aren't conservative with space, the homes and yards are liberally sized. The U.S. is liberal about everything. Look at the size of our muffins!

Talking politics? It's a pretty liberal nation who allows people the freedom to pack heat, be as wealthy as Bill Gates or Jay Leno, or allow their president to declare war without adequate evidence of hostility. Okay, back away from the politicizing...

The point is, the word liberal means all the things America loves, but fear-mongers are actively trying to put fear in our hearts. It does not mean communism and denial of freedom. Once again, when something sounds too outrageous to be true, it likely is. Don't buy into the hype.

P.S. The name of the blog does not refer to a political philosophy, but refers to something we should all be fighting for. Our freedoms should be given liberally. Government should not be able to tell us how many ounces we are allowed to drink. Make mine A Liberal Pour!

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