Each day, I am petrified for my children. I am petrified for the future. I feel completely helpless to protect them from the crisis of our nation. I'm not afraid of the national deficit, as it has been here for decades and does not actually personally effect any of us. But I am afraid of a large number of our citizens who behave so irrationally that they can sway the court of public opinion to act against all of our best interests.
It is not the people that truly follow their best educated beliefs and become activists for their causes. I love activism and the lively debates that come of passionate individuals debating. But this group of people are not thinking for themselves, they are being wagged by an ultra-wealthy 2% of our nation who figured out they can manipulate a majority to do whatever they want.
It is the sheep that frighten me. People so susceptible to follow that they act against their own interests to support an ideology with no facts or real benefits to themselves. For several decades we have been told in America that tax cuts were the way to support growth in society, that a completely deregulated free-market system allows us all to be rich, and that universal health care would leave us dying in the streets. Yet there is not a single nation on earth following these recommendations and showing the example of wealth and prosperity.
I'm straying from the specific issue that I want to address, which is we are being lied to. There is no grass-roots conservative movement who is trying to revolt against big government spending and fighting for fiscal responsibility. There is however a majority now in Congress that is trying to legislate these values. But a large percentage of our recession struck nation is morally opposed to the actions of our government because of a handful of billionaires who feel threatened by the idea that they may lose their grip as the empirical power of America. I ask every citizen in this country why they would support 2% of our population to maintain the ability to oppress the rest of us and keep us from achieving a better life for ourselves. Because that is what is happening today.
The uprising known as the Chicago Tea Party, of which we are all supposed to believe is a citizen uprising trying to protect each and every one of us from government oppression, is a hoax orchestrated by a handful of wealthy people who care less whether you live or die. Yet many will fall for this, and believe that our government is not trying to act in all of our best interests. Please read these accounts that prove there is not an independent revolt against our President's actions.
The bloggers and journalists are not going to become billionaires for their work in exposing this. They are simply doing what is right to help us all be informed of the evil shepherds that are abusing the sheep in our nation.
We all must battle these myths with fact. Debate your neighbors, your family, and anyone you hear spouting this nonsense. But leave the emotion out of it. Simply attack with fact, and if you can convince one person to think for themselves you are a savior of our nation.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
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