Monday, November 30, 2009

Big scary words

For centuries there have been fables and common sense wisdom warning us to be weary of things that sound too good to be true or too awful to be true. Yet today it seems we just can't see the wolf in sheep's clothing. For the benefit of society I present buzzwords that notify you to stop paying attention.

Big government. When someone uses the term "Big Government," what they are really saying is "I like collecting a handy government paycheck, but really hate having to think or answer to my constituents." If any Senator, Congressman, or other elected official really was against big government their first and only accomplishment in office would be eliminating their own job and others. They're not doing it.

"It's too long & complicated": We've heard this a lot lately regarding health-care reform legislation. Also, people say the same about our tax code. "It's too complicated for people to understand." "I couldn't read the whole thing." First of all, if your representative says they couldn't read a piece of legislation because it was too long, fire him (or her). Seriously, that is what they are paid for. If you didn't do your job, you'd get fired. That's a representative's job.

The national debt is $100,000 per person: Guess what, you're not going to get a bill in the mail for $100,000, so why look at national debt that way. Anyone who says this is just trying to scare you into supporting an irresponsible government who is not accountable for anything.

Family values: I shouldn't even have to touch this. How many Senators, Congressmen, and government officials have been busted for their questionable ethics? When one of them cries family values, you know they are just trying to take your attention off of real issues.

Tax cuts: Almost all of you are paying less in taxes now than you would be during the Reagan administration. You will continue to pay less taxes in the foreseeable future. If you really think taxes are what is going to push you into poverty, it's time for you to move to another country or become a hobo. You are more likely to find needles in Halloween candy than you are being taxed to poverty. Yes, taxes seem like a burden, but it is something that helps finance society. Could they be lower? Most likely, but they won't reduce without proper management and responsible government.

Immigrants are stealing your jobs: They're also stealing your yard tools, impregnating your daughters, destroying the sanctity of marriage, and poisoning the water hole. Seriously, have you ever filled out employment paperwork? You had to provide identification, social security number, even a birth certificate. So how did an illegal immigrant take that job from you without proof of citizenship? Stop believing that the boogie-man is out to get you.

Tax & Spend Democrats: Do you honestly believe that there are representatives who really get off creating useless reasons to tax you? What does that accomplish for them personally?

Christian nation: Go back to your history books and refresh your memory. Settlers left England to get away from an oppressive monarchy and its over-bearing Christian religion. First amendment people: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." That means a neutral nation who does not support or condemn any belief. Period.

Unconstitutional: This is a tricky one, but I can tell you the last thousand-plus times someone has stated something was "unconstitutional" they couldn't even quote the part of the constitution that would involve the subject. When someone throws the constitution card, run the other way.

Socialism: The red-scare lives on. It's time to let it die, just like communism.

Wealth redistribution: Along with the previous word, this is just another way to frighten us from demanding the government do its job.

These are the buzzwords that special interests have found will stop people in their tracks. Everyone gets so frightened when these things are mentioned that they take their attention off what is really best for society and themselves, and they roll over allowing progress to be squashed. Rather than running scared when someone says "big government" how about taking the time to learn what is actually happening on the hill and how it will affect you. Turn off the cable and write your representative. Tell them you want improvements, not talking points.

There are real problems in our government, let's discuss the real problems rather than these make-believe distractions the less-responsible members want us to pay attention to.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Liberal madness

A group of chemically imbalanced lawmakers in Utah have discovered the word "liberal" in the Utah State Constitution. Many rules and statutes state that the rules should be "liberally construed." Sen. Howard Stephenson and Rep. Curt Oda will be wasting taxpayer dollars to discuss the removal of all instances of the word liberal from the document.

Liberalism, from the latin word liberalis, meaning of freedom. Historically, liberalism has meant the opposite of communism, supportive of capitalism and free-market. The founding fathers of America stated they wanted a nation based on liberal principles. Even the supposed overlord of the modern republican party, Ronald Reagan was called a pioneer of economic liberalism.

The word liberal is pretty simple. It means given freely or abundantly. Who doesn't like a lot of something? Really? The United States is in love with the concept of liberal. Dining out? Portions here are quite liberal. A serving of ice-cream is only 6 oz, but order it anywhere and they're sure to give you a liberal serving. We aren't happy with 24" televisions, we want a liberal amount of screen space. Homes in most U.S. cities aren't conservative with space, the homes and yards are liberally sized. The U.S. is liberal about everything. Look at the size of our muffins!

Talking politics? It's a pretty liberal nation who allows people the freedom to pack heat, be as wealthy as Bill Gates or Jay Leno, or allow their president to declare war without adequate evidence of hostility. Okay, back away from the politicizing...

The point is, the word liberal means all the things America loves, but fear-mongers are actively trying to put fear in our hearts. It does not mean communism and denial of freedom. Once again, when something sounds too outrageous to be true, it likely is. Don't buy into the hype.

P.S. The name of the blog does not refer to a political philosophy, but refers to something we should all be fighting for. Our freedoms should be given liberally. Government should not be able to tell us how many ounces we are allowed to drink. Make mine A Liberal Pour!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

You're going to hell

Although my progressively growing frustration with the lack of humanity among people has prompted me to be silent from this blog for a while, I came across a story that needs to be shared with others. Religious in nature, but that is my point. Today, politics in America have more to do with faith and ignorance in upbringing rather than the rational thought that should be driving people to vote in their own best interests.

Please read Dave Gorman's experience, and think about your own beliefs or those around you. If you have ever looked at someone and believed they are living in a way that will cause judgment by your god, you need to re-evaluate your life and beliefs. You've taken it too far. If you know someone like this, perhaps it is time to step up and talk to them.